Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Project #1 January 2010 KIDS

Our first project for January is KIDS!!! Send me your favorite shot you've taken of 1 or more kiddo's. I'll post them here. You've got one month, so get snapping!

The Project

I've been doing a little grumbling lately. Most of my grumbles sound like this, "I wish I had a fancy camera. A DSLR that could do so much more that my camera can." Well, I hate grumbling. It makes my days less fun, less grateful, and less appreciative for what I have. I actually think that my camera can take great pictures. I think the average person like myself can get alot out of a simple point and shoot. Thus, The Project. Each month I want to give you camera users a project, and I want to see what YOU can do. Challenge yourself to get to know your camera better, maybe even go into manual mode. Share your images here, and let's celebrate what we've got!